Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sledding Without Snow

Grass sledding in February.

Today I took my kiddos and some friends sledding. It was 70+ degrees Farenheit today and we went sledding! Grass sledding, that is. We are fortunate enough to have a nice little park by our house with a great hill. We usually use that hill to learn to ride bikes without training wheels or sled on snow. Today we discovered that our plastic sled discs are just as good on grass as they are on snow.

We took our sleds to the top of the slope and down they went. Everyone was giddy with delight. Children screamed with joy, threw their hands up in the air as they went down, and smiled until I thought their cheeks would pop. They literally ran up the hill with those sleds. They sledded alone, sledded with each other, sledded with the discs, sledded with cardboard boxes they found. They discovered how to make "sparks" by dragging their feet behind them while laying on their bellies (the dry grass would shoot out from their feet like sparks). They had races. They disagreed about whose turn it was. They agreed this was the most fun they'd had at the park in a while. It was a great afternoon.

Then we returned home. Let the chaos begin. I was going to write about that chaos, but you know what? I changed my mind. Let's leave this on a a good note. Let's stay at the park sledding down a grassy slope, smiling and having fun.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Heth said...

Good times.....

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Rachelle said...

How awesome is that! Wow! I would have never even thought of that. Looks like a blast!

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hasn't our weather been WONDERFUL?! I'm not ready for the cold we're supposed to get next week. Bleh.

But what a fantastic idea with the grass sledding! Haha!! Bravo to the creative mom!

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Fatcat said...

Looks like fun!

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Donnetta said...

So I'm curious. How did you come up with the idea to even try sledding on grass? Who knew it could be done? I would have loved to watch the expressions of all those going by. You may have just invented a new sport?! Great fun and creativity at your place!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger WarriorWife said...

We used to do the same thing, but instead of sleds we'd use big blocks of ice you can buy at the store for $.75 or so. If you want, you can also have some of our snow--8 inches yesterday and last night. I wonder if there's really a way to gracefully scrape the snow and ice off of your car in the morning?

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF? I just saw a man drive by with the top down. It's February in New York, right? I didn't just wake up from a coma, did I?

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Susan said...

This weather is scaring the bejeesus out of me. Particularly the part where we go from 70-something on Wednesday to 40-something today and 30-something on Friday.


At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was the lucky friend whose kids got to tag along for this great outing. They're still talking about it, and I'm still picking grass out of their hair. Good times.


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