Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Olympics are here! The Olympics are here!

Picture me running around like an idiot a la Steve Martin in The Jerk when the new phone book arrives.

The Olympics are here! Oh how I love the Olympics. On Friday night we watched the opening ceremonies. We had a delightful time and it was one of the best family nights we've ever had.

The rule at our house is "No food or drink upstairs" (unless you are my husband who apparently does not have to adhere to silly rules that HE made and so leaves two to ten half-full diet root beer cans sitting on various surfaces in the playroom). Friday, though, we ate take out from Pei Wei upstairs in front of the TV. After dinner we had root beer floats, popcorn, and chips and dip. We ate. We drank. We made fun of the dancing cows. We also made fun of the "Alps" dresses and the various funny hats people were wearing. We danced to the awesome 80s pop tunes they played. Then we sat in awe of the people in raincoats who formed a moving ski jumper. That was cool. I can't really tell you anything else that happened because the fatigue I told you about in my last post was actually a migraine coming on. So I went to bed.

But we've been watching the Olympics every minute we can since then. The overriding question at my house has been this: Just HOW do you get your kid into some of these sports? Hey! Munchkin! I have an idea. Why don't you put some sticks on your feet and slide down the roof. When you get to the end, jump. I'll measure how far you go. Trust me. It'll be fun. No? Ok, then lay down on this sled and I'll push you down this hill. Don't worry, you can steer with your feet. No, there won't be any cars coming...I don't think.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

I made the no food or drinks in the den rule. Just the den. And it's brought up every week, by either my husband or my stepdaughters as totally unfair. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this rule... :)

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

By the way, I love your new header. It's AWESOME. :)

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Love the Olympics too! Thought the very same thing about getting the kids involved today as we watched those crazy boys snowboarding so well. We have nothing remotely like that here in the Low Country, and my six-year-old would love to be a daredevil. I guess I can thank my lucky stars he's not able to do it yet. Saves us on the ER bills! Love your ideas-- did Munchkin go for them?

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Heth said...

Weren't those Alps dresses something? Definately going in the closet with the old bridesmaid dresses as a "never gonna wear this one again!"

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Rachelle said...

I so love the Olympics! And congrats on your nomination!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger GiBee said...

Ummm ... diet A&W rootbeer? Hmmm ... if it is, he's a cool man, and I'd be willing to vote for a change to the "no food upstairs" rule to a "no food upstairs except dad's diet rootbeer" rule, because I'd have a tough time with it too, because I am personally ADDICTED to diet A&W Rootbeer.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I love the Olympics too!! I even watched an hour of curling this afternoon. I like the Olympics so much that I think people who don't like them suck...


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