Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Watch out for that...spatula?

I know I shouldn't, but I have caught myself living and dying by my Blog Top Sites number. I started at 99 and made it all the way up to the thirties. Now I'm back to 50! Aaaahrgh! I blame it all on my addiction to changing my template and the resulting boring entries. So, in an effort to get my numbers down again, I offer you this humorous story. It is completely true.

The Background: About 10 years ago (before kids), we lived in a cottage with a steep driveway. We lived across the street from the cutest little family ever (they had a 2yo). We had two cars; of those, my husband's was a Mitsubishi Mighty Max truck. The name was clearly wishful thinking because it was nothing more than a wind-up car. I was out of town visiting my mom.

The Story:
My husband was preparing to go somewhere (probably to play golf) and forgot something in the house. He went back in and when he came out his truck was rolling down the driveway, across the street, across the cute family's lawn, and into their chimney. Yes you read that right. INTO THEIR CHIMNEY--he forgot to set the truck's emergency break on that big hill of a driveway. That was bad enough, but the family was actually out in their driveway watching the truck roll toward their house and wondering why my husband was trying to run them over. When my husband came running out the house his first thought was for the cute family's cute little daughter. Thankfully, she was fine and no where near the truck. As it turns out the truck did not do any damage to their home. Woo hoo! You would think this is where the story ends. If I weren't such a busy body it probably would have ended there, but read on.

As my husband is relaying this story to me I am mortified. How on earth were we going to make this up to them? Well, duh! I'll make them rice crispy snacks! Nothing says I'm sorry I hit your house and almost ran over your family like a batch of rice crispy snacks. Right? So you see my logic. Anyway, at that time I was not known for my prowess in the kitchen. Seriously, though, how hard could rice crispy treats be? So I gather my ingredients, my pot, and my spatula. I'm stirring and I'm stirring. Then I take out my spatuala. Hmmmm. Something looks different...My spatula is now a stick without the flat spatula part. Huh? Where'd it go? I dig a little though the mix and can't find it. Maybe it melted? Ah well. It's still good. Yes, again, you read that right: IT'S STILL GOOD. I proceeded to spread the mix into the pan and take it over to the neighbor's house. Yes. I. Did. I also saved a little sumpin' sumpin' for myself.

I presented my masterpiece to the neighbors and they gave me tour of their house. I apologized profusely and hoped they would take the rice crispy treats as a token of my embarrassment. When I returned to the house I dove into my little stash. Two bites in I can't chew the treats. I take that piece out of my mouth and...it's the spatula.

In answer to your obvious question: Yes. I'm available to cater your next event.


At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this says more about your cooking habits or our expectations of Kellogg products.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger Pam said...

I bet you use Pampered Chef products now, so you don't lose any more cooking utensils, don't you? I've had a similar situation happen with a casserole before and can totally relate.

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Heth said...

HA! That is great!

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Randi said...


I posted a list of quilt supplies on my blog, let me know if you have any questions!

--I am tempted once again to change my template. I get tired of looking at mine about every 3 months! Yours looks great!

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Priceless. If they didn't send a dental bill or lawyer your way, that's a good sign.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Goslyn said...

Oh my, what a good laugh. At least you found the spatula.

Remind me to tell you about my plastic-spoon melting caramel sauce gone wrong some time.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger hannahjoy said...

haha that made me laugh.


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