Sunday, January 15, 2006

Can I Get a Woop! Woop!

For those of you not familiar with that obscure movie line reference, I'll just give it to ya: The Fairy Godmother in Shrek 2 as she arrives at the ball for Fiona and her new "prince charming". And don't tell me you haven't seen it because I know you have.

Anyway...all that to say I've been working on my template and I think I have it almost figured out! So, seriously, let me hear that woop woop! I still need to do a little more tweaking as evidenced by the occasional blue-colored link and the comment footers. And I'm not so crazy about all the blue-green coloring. On the other hand, it feels so good to figure this out and see changes.

Woop! Woop!

Edit: What's that? What's that you say? You say you don't see those nasty blue links and the dark blue comment footers? That's because I fixed them! Woop! Woop!


At 8:36 PM, Blogger Heth said...

Looks great! Good job you techo savvy thing.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Chilihead2 said...

You and Shannon are next, Heth! Let's get those designs going!

At 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice! Blue-green is very soothing. Of course, you might not be a "soothing" sort of person - for all I know, you're boiling over with rage over man's inhumanity to man and are choosing to hide behind a facade of thin-mint peaceful goodness.

Or not.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

Congrats! I wish I could design my own template, because I would like to change it every quarter or so... But I am html-illiterate.

I'll be back soon! I love your profile pic!!

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Great job! I think the blue green is nice--very soothing. Congratulations!


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