OK, I have to say something...
I've been ditzing around reading a bunch of other blogs on various sites. Every single one of them has bashed America. They start out just bitching about W, but within letter are bashing America as a whole. What the hell?
I will say I did not vote for Bush in any election. I have voted as a Democrat for most elections. The more research I do, though, the more it is evident to me that I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican; I am a moderate Libertarian. I believe we do what we can for ourselves and we don't rely on someone else to get us through.
Anyway, let's just stop being our own worst enemy, OK? Let's quit taking our own freedom for granted. Is it too much to ask that we have a united front to the world? Is it too much to ask that we really look at the facts instead of taking celebrity soundbites as truth? You hate this country and what it stands for? Start writing letters and going to the polls. Or get out. Whichever.
What exactly is it that these people are pissed at? That we helped liberate some people from a tyrant who raped women, killed babies by throwing them forcefully against walls while their mothers watched, and who killed his own daughters' husbands? Or that W isn't screwing the interns?
I am not a W fan. I'm not really happy with how he's dealing with the dictators in Africa. Why give the dictators more money under the guise of helping the poor when we all know that money will go directly to the dictators and not the people? Why not actually help get rid of the dictators so those people have a fighting chance? But then, why would W go to the trouble? He's already getting bashed for helping people.
Anyway, while I'm not a W fan, I understand the hypocrisy of what the media and the liberals are passing off as truth. It's disgusting to me and I will not be party to it. So I'm going to try to have a few articles that tell it like it is (or at least a different POV than the liberal media) listed in the blog. I'm sure no one is reading this, but it will make me feel better.
It's late and I'm not thinking clearly and I'm rambling. I need to get my thoughts better organized so I can address the issues I want to discuss. Meanwhile try out http://boortz.com/nuze/index.html.
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