Friday, June 25, 2004

What's Holding You Back?

There are things I've always wanted to be:
A stand-up comic (I'm not that funny)
A writer of novels or children's books (I'm better at writing instruction manuals)
Famous (without any kind of criticism)

How's that for reasonable? BTW, no one really knows about these "aspirations". I think, for some reason, I would like to be known. I want people to like me and think, "Hey. She's really something. Smart. Funny. Wow!" What I don't want is the ridiculous criticism that comes with fame. Nothing is personal, nothing is good enough. That's why I think writing would be the way to go; when is the last time you saw rags go over what writers are wearing, what their flaws are, etc.? They do a few interviews, sign some books. It is something to capture someone's imagination.

I have always loved details and was fascinated that there was a degree in Technical Writing that allowed me to focus on those details. What is hard for many people comes easily to me (especially with time to edit!). My husband has trouble writing and hates it; I love it (but I can't do math and he can). Since I earned my BA and MA in TW, I've wanted to move into a more creative aspect of writing. As my son begins to read I'm even more interested in writing for children.

I have ideas for books, but as I write them out I am still in my dry, technical writing mode. Nothing I put down would keep a child's attention (or anyone's for that matter). I am not ready to give up. I will keep trying, editing, trying again.


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