I am the mother of two wonderful, funny children and I am lucky enough to stay at home with them. Please leave me comments. I love to know that people are stopping by.
- Breed 'Em and Weep
- Damn Interesting
- Daring Young Mom
- Deep Thoughts...By Ann
- Friday Playdate
- From Under the Laundry Pile
- I Have To Say
- Lifenut
- One Woman's World
- Peanut Tales
- Play One On TV
- Resistant GLHM
- Rocks In My Dryer
- Soule Mama
- Suburban Turmoil
- The Big Yellow House
- Wishful Thinking
- Zeno's Bar & Grill
- Larry Jones Illustration is responsible for my awesome title graphic. His work is copyrighted and for use by permission only.
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SAHM Bloggers
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- The Matrix Reloaded Spoof
- Welp, I'm A-Movin. Will You Come Visit Me?
- Betcha Can't Guess
- Ah Yes. To Be Eight Again.
- Strange Bedfellowes
- Viva, Las Vegas, Baby!
- Wrinkled Roosters, Fancy Hens, and Laundry Rooms
- The Big 60th Anniversary Par-Tay!
- My Wonderful Life
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